Project Partners and Research Teams

The four Project Partners are

Fraunhofer ISE, Germany 
Umicore, Belgium


Indroducing the Research Teams

Fraunhofer ISE, Germany

  • Dr. Stefan Janz, head of department "Crystalline Silicon Materials" and head of team “Si based layers and crystalline Si thin-film solar cells”. He holds indepth experience with amorphous SiC and Si solar cell processing. Dr. Janz is responsible for the project coordination of the SiLaSpaCe project.
  • Charlotte Weiss, PhD student working on SiC layer stacks for diverse applications. Within the SiLaSpaCe project, Charlotte Weiss is responsible for the SiC passivation layer deposition on Ge as well as the characterisation of SiC passivation layer and back contacts in cooperation with Christian Schmiga
  • Christian Schmiga, expert in the field of highly efficient near-industry silicon solar cell development with focus on n-type cell structures and aluminium alloys. Christian Schmiga is responsible for the characterisation of contacts on Ge within the SiLaSpaCe project
  • Dr. Jan Nekarda, expert in the field of laser fired contacts. Head of group “laser process technology”
  • Andreas Brand, PhD student in the field of laser based structuring processes. Responsible for the optical performance of laser ablation within the SiLaSpaCe project
  • Vanessa Isenberg, responsible for the administrative project management of the SiLaSpaCe project.


AZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbH, Germany

  • Dr.Bianca Postels, specialist in the field of ZnO nanostructures as well as optical and antireflective coating processes. Responsible for antireflective coatings and semiconductor processing for III-V multi-junction solar cells within the SiLaSpaCe project.
  • Dr.Victor Khorenko, in-depth experience of III-V epitaxial technology and electrical and structural characterisation of GaAs- and InP-based heterostructures, nano-scaled devices and solar cells.


Commissariat a l Energie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, France

  • Dr. Bruno Boizot, deputy director of the “Laboratory of Irradiated Solids” and head of the CEA Irradiation facility. His research fields are correlated to irradiation effects in insulating materials. Responsible for the irradiation processes within the SiLaSpaCe project.
  • Olivier Cavani, will manage the electron beam during irradiation within the SiLaSpaCe project.
  • Seonyong Park, PhD student. He will explain the use of the irradiation sample holder as well as the performance of IV measurements after irradiation within the SiLaSpaCe project.


Umicore, Belgium

  •  Dr.Rufi Kurstjens, expert in the field of Si nanowires for all-Si based tandem solar cells. Product and process development manager in the business line of germanium substrates at Umicore. Dr. Kurstjens will be responsible for the preparation and surface passivation of wafers within the SiLaSpaCe project.