SiLaSpaCe progress and meeting December 6th and 7th 2017
Located not far from the gates of Paris, the “Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés” opened its doors for the SiLaSpaCe consortium. This laboratory is part of the French CEA (“Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives”) network and responsible for the electron and proton irradiation experiments in the SiLaSpaCe project. Therefore, the visit of the electron irradiation facility “SIRIUS” was the highlight of the first day of the meeting. With Bruno Boizot who is both, part of the SiLaSpaCe project and expert in electron irradiations, the group had a perfect guide for the lab tour.
The morning session of the second day was dedicated to in-depth discussions about recent lifetime measurements and irradiation results. The afternoon session was dedicated to a focused discussion on the integration of the new process steps into the solar cell production line at AZUR. All ongoing and future pre-tests are steps towards a successful fabrication of a solar cell demonstrator with improved Germanium back side in 2018.